If Vegetarians Argue Is It Still Considered Beef

I like making jokes about vegetarians...

but never about tofu, that's just tasteless.

Why are a German vegetarians pessimists?

Because they always fear the wurst.

What should vegetarians eat for protein?


Vegetarians joke, What should vegetarians eat for protein?

What do lesbian vegetarians eat?

Vaggie burgers

If 2 vegetarians argue...

... do they have beef?

Is a rivalry between two vegetarians still called a "beef?"

I was at a meetup for vegetarians recently

and this lady started talking to me like I knew who she was, but I swear I never met herbivore.

Vegetarians joke, I was at a meetup for vegetarians recently

Vegetarians have been screaming, "Save the Animals!" for years.

If they were really interested in animals, why do they keep beating a dead horse?

What do you call an Chinese family with a pet dog?


Source: I'm Chinese.

Did you know there were vegetarians in Medieval Europe?

More often than not, they were called "peasants"

If two vegetarians get into a fight

Is it still considered beef?

You can explore vegetarians eat reddit one liners, including funnies and gags. Read them and you will understand what jokes are funny? Those of you who have teens can tell them clean vegetarians veganism dad jokes. There are also vegetarians puns for kids, 5 year olds, boys and girls.

What do Native Americans call vegetarians?

Poor hunters

If two vegetarians are arguing

Is it considered a beef?

Q: How many vegetarians does it take to eat a cow?

A: One if nobody's looking.

[OC] Are vegetarians allowed to have pudding?

If so how can they have pudding if they don't eat their meat?

German vegetarians are real pessimists.

They fear nothing but the wurst!

Vegetarians joke, German vegetarians are real pessimists.

What do you call a white supremacist that doesn't eat meat?

A VegitAryan

This has nothing to with the current political climate. I work with several vegetarians and we were talking about food today and it the joke just hit me.

If vegetarians eat vegetables

What do humanitarians eat

If two vegetarians hate each other . . .

. . . would that be considered a beef?

Why do vegetarians give good head?

Because they're used to eating nuts.

People who eat vegetables are called vegetarians.

Remember that before you accept charity from a humanitarian.

If two vegetarians get into a fight, would it still be called a beef?

Not sure, depends on what's at steak.

Why are the vegetarians silent during sex?

Because they are shocked by the pleasure they can get from a piece of meat.

I saw two vegetarians arguing

I guess they were beefing.

Why do vegetarians go to the library?

To get some peas and quiet.

When 2 vegetarians have an argument...

Is it considered *beef*, or is it considered *Quorn*?

Vegetarians don't care about animals

They eat all of their food.

Why are vegetarians never involved in Any drama?

They can't stand beef

Statistics show that vegetarians live on average ten years longer than meat eaters

Ten long miserable years

What do vegetarians say at a rave?

Lettuce Turnip the Beet

What do you call a Super Saiyan who doesn't eat meat?


Science: cowfarts cause climate change. Vegetarians: I'll have what the cows are eating.

Science: cowfarts cause climate change.

Vegetarians: I'll have what the cows are eating.

Hey Vegetarians

My food poops on yours.

I was invited to a dinner the other night.

The host warned me ahead of time, "Just so you know, we only serve vegetarian dishes. I hope you're alright with that."

I told him, "Of course! I have no problem with vegetarian dishes. In fact, I prefer them. But for the sake of conscience I do prefer it if the vegetarians were free range and locally sourced."

I want to know, if vegetables are so good,

why are vegetarians always trying to make them taste like meat?

I was griling a steak earlier and the smell of the juices made my mouth water....

Got me thinking....Do vegetarians have the same effect when mowing a lawn ?

I don't understand why people don't seem to get along with vegetarians.

I have never had a beef with one.

I tried to open a restaurant that offers faster seating to vegetarians...

But this created too many upset steakholders

Why can't vegetarians eat pudding?

You can't have any pudding if you don't eat your meat

I love my vegetarian-only diet.

Lambs, Cows, Deers, Rabbits. They're all vegetarians and they're delicious!!

what do zombie vegetarians eat?

Grains. Graaaaaaaains! 🧟‍♂️🌾

Why are vegetarians happier?

They don't have beef with anyone

Why dont Vegetarians ever get to eat any pudding?

If they dont eat their meat, they cant have their pudding.

Pessimists are like German vegetarians.

They fear the wurst.

Load More

Just think that there are jokes based on truth that can bring down governments, or jokes which make girl laugh. Many of the vegetarians veg jokes and puns are jokes supposed to be funny, but some can be offensive. When jokes go too far, are mean or racist, we try to silence them and it will be great if you give us feedback every time when a joke become bullying and inappropriate.

We suggest to use only working vegetarians herbiwhore piadas for adults and blagues for friends. Some of the dirty witze and dark jokes are funny, but use them with caution in real life. Try to remember funny jokes you've never heard to tell your friends and will make you laugh.


Source: https://jokojokes.com/vegetarians-jokes.html

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